Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10068 members found

Salma Mahmoud Mohy Eldin, Assistant Instructor
Alexandria University
Department of Industrial Pharmacy

Hanan Salah ElDin El-Abhar, Professor
Cairo University
Department of Pharmacognosy

DENITSA ELENKOVA, Assistant Professor
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Hazem Elewa, Associate Professor
Qatar University
College of Pharmacy

Mohamed Elfaramawy, Professor
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Adnan A. Elfarra, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
School of Pharmacy

Ahlam Mahmoud Elfishawy, Professor
Cairo University
Department of Pharmacognosy

Nazik Abdel Latif Elgindy, Professor
Alexandria University
Department of Industrial Pharmacy

Niveen Gamal Eldin Abdelfattah Elgindy, Lecturer
Assiut University
Department of Industrial Pharmacy

Oren Elharar, Instructor
Nova Southeastern University
College of Pharmacy

Elsamaul Elhebir, Adjunct Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
School of Pharmacy

Jacobo Elies Gomez, Lecturer
University of Bradford
School of Pharmacy

JOSEPH ELIJAH, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
College of Pharmacy

Joseph Elijah, Assistant Professor
Northeastern University
School of Pharmacy

Anna Elizabeth Macleod Forsyth, Lecturer
University of Auckland
School of Pharmacy


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