Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10068 members found

Paul Findlay, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
College of Pharmacy

Bonnie J Fingerhut
University of Wisconsin, Madison
School of Pharmacy

Joseph L. Fink, Professor
University of Kentucky
College of Pharmacy

Rachel Finkelstein, Adjunct Instructor
University of Iowa
College of Pharmacy

Rod Finney, Adjunct Professor
University of Queensland
School of Pharmacy

Marco Finocchi
Ohio State University
College of Pharmacy

Diana Fiorentini, Assistant Professor
University of Bologna
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Rita Fioresi, Associate Professor
University of Bologna
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Rachel Firebaugh, Assistant Professor
University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Department of Pharmacy

Steven M. Firestine , Associate Professor
Wayne State University
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

James Firman, Professor
Liverpool John Moores University
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Jennifer Firmin, Clinical Professor
University of Bradford
School of Pharmacy

Sally Firth, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Pharmacy

Universitat de Barcelona
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology in Health

Gabriella P. Fischer, Professor
South University-Savannah
School of Pharmacy


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