Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10067 members found

Janice Hoffman, Associate Professor
Western University of Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy

Dirk Hoffmeister, Professor
Jena University
Institute of Pharmacy

Lorne Hofseth, Assistant Professor
University of South Carolina
College of Pharmacy

Jack Hogan, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Binghamton University
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Keri Hogan, Adjunct Professor
University of Iowa
College of Pharmacy

Melissa Hogan, Associate Professor
Roosevelt University
College of Pharmacy

Cathryn Hogarth, Senior Lecturer
La Trobe University
School of Pharmacy and Applied Science

Michael Hogue
Loma Linda University
School of Pharmacy

Jennifer E Hoh, Assistant Professor
University of Louisiana, Monroe
School of Pharmacy

Lindsey Hohmann, Assistant Professor
Auburn University
Harrison School Of Pharmacy

Natalie Hohmann, Assistant Professor
Auburn University
Harrison School Of Pharmacy

Jana Höhn, Professor
Jena University
Institute of Pharmacy

Eric B. Hoie, Associate Professor
Creighton University
School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

Eva Maiken Holck, Assistant Professor
University of Copenhagen
Department of Pharmacy

David A. Holdford , Associate Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Pharmacy


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