Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10067 members found

Kristi Kelley, Assistant Clinical Professor
Auburn University
Harrison School Of Pharmacy

Shana Kelley, Professor
University of Toronto
Faculty of Pharmacy

Kimberly M. Kelly , Associate Professor
West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy

Malachi Kelly, Senior Lecturer
University of Portsmouth
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Mark Kelly, Adjunct Professor
University of New England, Australia
Department of Pharmacy

Michael Kelly, Assistant Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
College of Pharmacy

Patrick Kelly, Lecturer
University of Rhode Island
College of Pharmacy

Gary Kelm, Professor
University of Cincinnati
College of Pharmacy

Monica Kempland
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
School of Pharmacy

Dave Kendall, Professor
University of Nottingham
School of Pharmacy

Amy Kennedy, Assistant Professor
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy

JANET KENNEDY, Assistant Professor
Western New England University
Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences

Mary Jayne Kennedy
High Point University
Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy

ROBERT KENNEDY, Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
College of Pharmacy

Korey Kennelty, Assistant Professor
University of Iowa
College of Pharmacy


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