Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10067 members found

Dalhousie University
College of Pharmacy

Dalhousie University
College of Pharmacy

Daniel Kenzie, Assistant Professor
North Dakota State University
College of Pharmacy

JUSTINE KEOVILAY, Research Associate Professor
Western New England University
Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences

Marmara University
Faculity of Pharmacy

Jessica Kerr, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
School of Pharmacy

Morell Kerr
University of Strathclyde
Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Stephen Kerr, Professor
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Stephen G. Kerr, Assistant Professor
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science
School of Pharmacy

Brian P. Kersten, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ROLAND KERSTEN, Assistant Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
College of Pharmacy

Kalie Kerth, Assistant Professor
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
College of Pharmacy

Siddharth Kesharwani, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Nevada
College of Pharmacy

Craig I. Kessler, Assistant Professor
Creighton University
School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

Nusaraporn Kessomboon, Associate Professor
Khon Kaen University
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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