Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

10067 members found

Suzanne Larson
Midwestern University
College of Pharmacy-Glendale

Tom Larson, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
College of Pharmacy

Per Larsson, Lecturer
Uppsala University
Division of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology

Holly Lassila, Assistant Professor
Duquesne University
Mylan School of Pharmacy

Gudrun Helene Lasskogen, Lecturer
University of Copenhagen
Department of Pharmacy

Jennie Lates
University of Namibia
Department of Pharmacy

Joan Latta, Associate Lecturer
University of East Anglia
School of Pharmacy

Joanna Latter, Research Assistant Professor
University of Newcastle
School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy

Anna Tiatia Fa’atoese Latu, Lecturer
University of Otago
School of Pharmacy

Aik Jiang LAU, Assistant Professor
National University of Singapore
Department of Pharmacy

Esther Lau, Honorary Research Professor
University of Queensland
School of Pharmacy

Gordan Lauc, Professor
School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

Holly Lauer
University of Iowa
College of Pharmacy

Charles T. Lauhon, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
School of Pharmacy

Cindi Laukes, Research Professor
University of Montana
Skaggs School of Pharmacy


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